Archive | Saturday, 23 July, 2005

Papan Tanda

Duduk di simpang jalan menangkap pemandu yang memecut melebihi had laju, seorang pegawai trafik ternampak sebuah kereta yang dipandu tersangat perlahan dianggarkan hanya dipandu 22 batu sejam sahaja.

Maka Polis trafik pun berfikir ” Tak boleh jadik niee..lambat dari kura-kura..sangat bahaya bagi pemandu yang lain” Polis trafik pun menahan dan memeriksa kereta itu dan didapati terdapat 5 orang wanita – dua wanita di depan dan tiga duduk di belakang – mata kesemuanya terbeliak dan mengigil ketakutan yang amat sangat dengan muka
pucat macam mayat.

Pemandu wanita sangat hairan dan bertanya ” Apa kesalahan saya tuan? saya tidak melebihi had laju..kenapa ditahan?”

“Makcik” polis trafik menjelaskan ” makcik bukan melebihi had laju, tapi memandu lambat daripada had laju jugak boleh menyebabkan kemalangan kepada kereta yang lain”
“lambat dari had laju ?” wanita itu merasa hairan.
“Tuan, saya mengikut dengan tepat kelajuan yang tercatat di papan tanda..[JALAN AMPANG 22]!” bantah wanita itu dengan marah.

Polis trafik itu tersenyum sindir dan menjelaskan maksud [JALAN AMPANG 22] adalah tanda nama jalan dan bukanya had laju. Dengan perasaan malu,wanita itu mengucapkan timah kasih atas penjelasan itu.
” Tapi sebelum makcik meneruskan perjalanan, saya ada satu pertanyaan…adakah kesemua penumpang di kereta makcik semuanya sihat? nampaknya makcik-makcik yang lain macam mengigil ketakutan dan muka pucat” polis trafik itu bertanya kehairanan

“oh…jangan bimbang ,mereka semua akan bertenang semula selepas beberapa minit lagi. Kerana kami baru saja menuruni [Jalan Bukit Bintang 309].”

Kisah suami-isteri dengan baby baru…

sepasang suami isteri baru sahaja menerima sepasang cahaya mata. alangkah gembiranya mereka setelah bertahun-tahun menunggu saat itu. kerana terlalu ghairah untuk menjaga sendiri bayi tersebut, si isteri tidah pernah bertanya apakah makanan yang sesuai untuk bayi tersebut. suatu hari, si isteri bertanyakan perihal tersebut kepada si suami,

isteri : abang, aper yang i nak bagi anak kiter ni makan bang….
suami : alaaa….. u bagi je la aper-aper pun……

pada suatu tengahari yang berjerebu, si suami tergerak hati nak menelefon si isteri. rindukan bayi baru barangkali.

suami : ayang dah makan…?
isteri : dah bang…
suami : anak kiter….?
isteri : pun dah bang……
suami : ayang bagi aper…?
isteri : mee kari bang…
suami :…………!!!

Post-qualifying press conference – Germany GP 2005

Reproduced with kind permission of the FIA

Drivers: 1st Kimi Raikkonen (McLaren), 1m14.320s
2nd Jenson Button (BAR), 1m14.759s
3rd Fernando Alonso (Renault), 1m14.904s.

Q: Well done Kimi, finally on pole position and no penalty so that’s where you’re going to start the race from too.
Kimi Raikkonen: Yeah, it’s nice. I think we should have been up here also in the last two races but in the circumstances it was not possible. But the whole weekend the car has been working well, it wasn’t as good in qualifying as it had been in the morning but it was good enough and we got pole position.

Q: It was a beautiful-looking lap, with a nice oversteery moment coming out of the second last corner though.
KR: Yes. I had a little bit of oversteer for a few corners which is why I wasn’t too happy with the car but that’s normal. It didn’t slow me down actually; I gained some time in comparison to the morning so it didn’t matter really.

Q: Your thoughts on the race, the weather conditions, the potential strategies around you?
KR: It doesn’t matter what they are. We have a strong package and we should be able to fight for wins, so we see what happens.

Q: Interesting championship situation with Fernando sitting alongside you now. Some thoughts from you on the championship, and some thoughts on this race at this point of the season.
KR: It’s an important race. We have lost out on points in the last two races so we really need to try to gain some points this time and get back in the championship. But there are still many races to go so we just need to keep doing the best we can and hopefully we can catch up with them.

Q: Jenson, a great looking weekend for you so far. How do you feel about the car, in terms of competitiveness for the race?
Jenson Button: Yeah, it’s always very difficult to tell. In qualifying, I wouldn’t say my lap was the best. I think we had a bit too much front end on the car. I had a few moments, especially coming into the stadium but it’s nice to be on the front row. Our aim for the race is to be as close as, or hopefully closer than we were in Silverstone to Renault and McLaren.

Q: Do you feel you’ve made progress testing with the car in that period since Silverstone?
JB: Yeah, we’ve made progress but it’s not enough to challenge them, I don’t think. Maybe I should be a bit more upbeat but that’s the way it is. Hopefully we will be closer here which we’ll be very happy with and we can keep moving forward throughout the year and hopefully get a bit closer and maybe challenge towards the end, I don’t know.

Q: Is Hockenheim a circuit you like? You’ve been very quick here in the past and as you say, the car looked very energised on that lap. Can you just talk us through your thoughts on Hockenheim, on Germany and racing here?
JB: Well, it’s a circuit that I’ve enjoyed a lot, the shorter Hockenheim, but I’ve also had some good races on the long circuit. My first year here I finished fourth in the wet behind DC (David Coulthard) and it’s a great circuit, I always enjoy it here. I have never qualified inside the top 12, so it’s nice to be on the front row and it’s a lot easier starting from this position.

Q: Fernando, just wondering where your lap went. It didn’t appear, on the times, to be brilliantly quick in sector one, but on the TV it looked OK.
Fernando Alonso: Yeah, it looked OK, but I lost nearly three or four tenths in turn one, five tenths compared to this morning, so it was not really perfect in the first corner and also braking for turn two, but then after that I knew that I was down and at that stage I really needed to push the car to the limit in the last two sectors and I did, and I was lucky to be third. I think in normal circumstances we should be on the front row but actually I think it’s even better to start third on the clean side, so I’m extremely happy with the result.

Q: What was the problem going into turn one and turn two?
FA: I don’t know. I think, like these guys, we all felt a little bit of oversteer in our qualifying lap, it was a little bit more windy as well, so my lap was probably a little bit windy in turn one. It’s a high speed corner so if you lose the confidence there you also lose under braking in turn two so it was a little bit of everything going on in these first two corners.

Q: Where do you feel you are in terms of race speed and competitive racing against the others?
FA: We are always much better in race pace than in qualifying. The qualifying lap is our worst point at the moment, so if we are in the top three, hopefully tomorrow we can be second at the start if everything goes well, so we are in a good position. I think strategy-wise we are really in good shape because we have prepared for the race in a perfect way so I’m very confident that tomorrow we can fight for victory.

Q: Kimi, just returning to you: a dramatic final corner for your team mate Juan Pablo Montoya. Your thoughts on that and also turn one has not been particularly kind to you here at the German Grand Prix at Hockenheim.
KR: Yeah, I don’t think I’ve finished any races here so far. I usually end up in the same tyre wall at turn one but hopefully this time it will go slightly better. Yeah, I was not happy with my qualifying lap at all. The car was not easy compared to this morning and I don’t really know what happened to Montoya. He just lost the rear end. I also had a moment there, so unlucky for him but it happens sometimes.


Q: Kimi, even though you may not have finished here, you have been quickest throughout this weekend, the team has, you have, how high is your confidence?
KR: It is good, a good position to be in for the start but it doesn’t change the confidence at all. The main thing is the race tomorrow, it is going to be long and hard, so we just need to make sure we do the best job we can and if we get everything going well then we should be in a position to win the race, so just wait and see.

Q: You have a margin of over four-tenths on Jenson. Could it have been more, are you surprised how big it is?
KR: Actually, I thought the gap could have been bigger but the car was not exactly right in the qualifying. I had a bit of oversteer in many corners so it wasn’t the easiest one but the lap time was still pretty good so I am happy the way things are going.

Q: You were asked about your feelings on what happened to your team-mate, presumably you would have liked him to be beside you as long as he was behind you beside you?
KR: I think for the team it would have been very good, we have been very strong as a team here so for the team championship it would have helped but unfortunately whatever happened to him happened and he has some work to do tomorrow.

Q: Jenson, hotter conditions I think, the temperature went up and down quite a lot, did that favour you?
JB: I don’t know, for me the car had a lot of oversteer in it, it wasn’t a perfect lap. I think it was the same for all of us, we didn’t expect to have so much oversteer in the cars. I had quite a big moment coming into the stadium, which probably lost me quite a bit of time and a few other places on the circuit, so considering that it is not too bad a lap time.

Q: It unfortunately puts you on the dirty side of the track, have you suffered in the past from that?
JB: From the dirty side? I don’t think it is just the dirty side, somehow. These two seem to be quite a bit better at the start, but anyway it is a good position for us and our main aim for tomorrow is to be a bit closer to the Renaults and McLarens, because we finished quite a bit behind them at Silverstone. And if we are closer then, that is a positive change for us and a move forward, so that is our aim. I have to say, the team has done a great job this weekend and Honda with the engine and it is great to be back on the front row again.

Q: But you are worried about Renault’s starts really?
JB: Yeah, the McLarens and Renaults seem to be very good off the line so it is going to be interesting to see where we end up in turn one, but we will see.

Q: Fernando, actually, at the first sector you were 14th fastest behind the 13 other cars. You had to pull out all the stops if possible. What were your feelings then?
FA: I knew from the information on the steering wheel that I was really slow after two corners so I really had to work hard in the last two sectors to make a good position. I was lucky, the car performed well after these two corners and we managed to be in the top three. But for sure we lost too much in the first two corners, the car was a little bit oversteering, it was quite windy and I think there was also some grass on the track, so I think it was not perfect conditions for my lap in the first two corners.

Q: And the margin of 0.4 seconds, 0.3 of that was in the first sector.
FA: Yeah, we know we are competitive, I think the McLarens have been strong all weekend, quicker than anybody, but we know we are quick as well. We tried to show it in qualifying, it was not possible, but I think the race will be much closer than it has been all weekend.


Q: (Adrian Rodriguez Huber – Agencia EFE) Fernando, can you describe the day as a whole, do you feel very satisfied? And secondly, Montoya starting from the back of the grid, is that good news for you?
FA: The day has been good, we tested some new solutions in the car that we thought of at night and it really worked well. Both drivers were happy with the car so I am confident for tomorrow. Normally the race pace is our strongest point so hopefully we can do a good race tomorrow. And for Montoya, I think it is a help for all of us, for sure. The top six or seven drivers in qualifying will now have a little bit of an easier race than if Juan Pablo was in a normal position, so hopefully we can finish in front of him and for the constructors championship it is also good because we are fighting with McLaren very closely, and if they lose an opportunity to be first and second in qualifying it is good for us.

Q: (Juha Paatalo – Financial Times Deutschland) Kimi, you are in a position in the championship where you need help from others to catch Fernando. How angry are you about the mistake of Montoya in the last corner?
KR: I am not angry. I think he is angry with himself. Of course, it would have been good for the team to have both cars in the front but that was not possible and at the same time as it would have been good for the team it would have helped me, but it is just how things go sometimes.

Q: (Karoly Mehes – Dunantuli Naplo) Fernando, is your approach to the race tomorrow to bring the car home or to fight for the victory?
FA: I think at the moment we fight for victories. In some places we will not be able to fight for victory, maybe tomorrow we should think at the start to overtake Jenson. We have a good start normally, we are on the clean side so hopefully we can be fighting with Kimi from the beginning of the race and then, for sure, if we can do it we will try tomorrow to do it, and if not obviously second place is the best one, if not third is the best one, and I think for the rest of the season it will be the same approach as always.


Follow qualifying for the German Grand Prix right here, as it happens.

The track is dry with heavy cloud cover
Live updates will appear here:
Conditions – Air temp: 21C degrees/Track temp: 31C degrees.

Robert Doornbos: Minardi debutant has been very impressive all weekend and looks smooth on his first ever F1 qualifying lap. Slower than this morning’s 1m16.9s with a 1m18.313s.

Narain Karthikeyan: Jordan driver way off the track at the first corner, then makes a similar mistake at the switch-back at sector two. The Indian driver so unhappy with his lap that he aborts and comes back into the pits.

Christijan Albers: Quickest through the first sector just over his team-mate Doornbos. Makes a good second sector as well and the Minardi team leader goes 0.8s faster than the new boy. 1m18.313s.

Tiago Monteiro: The Portuguese driver believes he has an engine problem. Jordan driver can’t get the car to work properly and goes slowest. The Jordans look likely to fill the back row of the grid. 1m18.599s.

Takuma Sato: The Japanese driver is already 0.8s up on the competition. The BAR-Honda badly needs a good result this weekend but faces a tough task qualifying so early. Rear-end quite twicthy and manages a 1m15.501s. That is about 1.3s slower than the expected pace.

First break

Christian Klien: Michelin runners have needed two or three laps to get temperature in the tyres. What can the Austrian do? Not as quick as Sato through sector one. But he is impressive through S2 and looks faster. Just loses out at the last corner to go second – 1m15.635s.

Jacques Villeneuve: Not as quick as top two through sector one. Not quite there at S2 either and is now 0.1s off Klien. How much fuel has the Canadian got in? Peter Sauber shaking his head. JV goes third quickest. 1m16.012s.

David Coulthard: The Scot puts in a so-so first sector, but the Red Bull seems to be working well. DC goes quickest of all in S2 and is looking good. Again he loses out in the last corner and drops behind Klien to go third. 1m15.679s.

Nick Heidfeld: The German and his team-mate Mark Webber have been struggling for pace. Not able to match Sato in S1, but goes quicker in the middle of the lap. The Williams driver goes fastest, but judging by weekend pace, it could be low fuelled.

Mark Webber: Can he outpace Heidfeld? Goes quickest of all in the first sector and the Aussie is on it. Car looks pointy and direct and Mark is all over the car. Maintains his advantage through S2 and looking good. Goes fastest by 0.3s lap and gunning for grid position. Excellent lap from Mark – 1m15.070s.

Second break

Felipe Massa: The Brazilian 0.3s slower than Webber in the first sector. Looks like maybe both Saubers are heavy on fuel. Maintains his pace with a good S2 but makes a mistake at the hairpin. Goes quicker than team-mate JV by 0.003s! 1m16.009s.

Jarno Trulli: The Italian has not matched Webber in S1 and the Toyota driver can’t do it S2 either. Unusual for Trulli not to be quicker. Only fourth fastest behind Sato and the two Williams which is a surprise. 1m15.532s. Perhaps long on fuel.

Ralf Schumacher: The German who has won this race before. Bit slower than his team-mate Trulli all through the lap. Only goes seventh. Doesn’t look like he is running light. 1m15.689s.

Rubens Barrichello: The Brazilian is a tenth slower in the first sector. Not looking like Ferrari has found the answer for qualifying and goes slow in S2. The car looks very out of shape and he goes tenth fastest!! Only 1.3s faster than the Minardis. He is believed to be heavy-fuelled. 1m16.230s.

Michael Schumacher: The world champion puts in a competitive first sector. Michael is on softer tyres than Rubens and fastest of all in the second sector. He badly wants to do well at home. A brilliant lap puts him fastest and the fans go wild. 1m15.006s looks likely to be beaten however.

Third break

Jenson Button: The British ace doesn’t think he can compete with McLarens and Renaults but can he put it on the front row? Very quick through S1. As usual silky smooth and goes 0.3s faster than Schu. He looks fantastic and the BAR is on the edge. Good effort puts him quickest. 1m14.759s.

Giancarlo Fisichella: The Italian is another who needs a troublefree run this weekend. Super-quick through S1 to go quickest of all so far. This technical track suits his style. Not as good a middle sector and suggests he is carrying more fuel as he goes second fastest. 1m14.927s.

Kimi Raikkonen: Finally got a chance to qualify at the sharp end. Sensational lap so far with fastest S1 time. His lap looks inch perfect. Quicker again in S2 but gets wide twice in the final corners. Blinding lap time in the end though – 1m14.320s puts him quickest.

Fernando Alonso: Points leader 0.3s off Raikkonen’s pace. Can’t match the McLaren’s pace. Now he is half a second slower after S2. Button could end up beating him. The Spaniard ends up dropping behind the BAR driver for third. 1m14.904s.

Juan Pablo Montoya: Can he get pole? Seems to have wisps of smoke coming out the back of his car. Fastest of all through S1. Lost a little bit of time through S2. Pushing so hard through S3 to beat his team-mate. Gets it completely wrong in the final corner and hits the wall. Montoya is okay but his race chances are ruined.

Raikkonen on pole with Button on the front row for the second race running.

KIMI rockets to HOCKENHEIM pole

Kimi Raikkonen delivered on McLaren’s form so far this weekend by taking a comfortable pole position for the German Grand Prix.

Juan Pablo Montoya looked set to challenge his team-mate for the top spot when he threw his chances away with a spin turning into the final corner.

The big surprise of the session was the performance of Jenson Button, who will join Raikkonen on the front row.

Fernando Alonso kept himself in good shape in terms of the championship endgame by qualifying third, just ahead of Renault team-mate Giancarlo Fisichella.

Michael Schumacher used the softer Bridgestone tyre compound to qualify fifth.

Starting grid for the German Grand Prix

1. RAIKKONEN McLaren 1m14.320s

2. BUTTON BAR 1m14.759s

3. ALONSO Renault 1m14.904s

4. FISICHELLA Renault 1m14.927s

5. M.SCHUMACHER Ferrari 1m15.006s

6. WEBBER Williams 1m15.070s

7. HEIDFELD Williams 1m15.403s

8. SATO BAR 1m15.501s

9. TRULLI Toyota 1m15.532s

10. KLIEN Red Bull 1m15.635s

11. COULTHARD Red Bull 1m15.679s

12. R.SCHUMACHER Toyota 1m15.689s

13. MASSA Sauber 1m16.009s

14. VILLENEUVE Sauber 1m16.012s

15. BARRICHELLO Ferrari 1m16.230s

16. ALBERS Minardi 1m17.519s

17. DOORNBOS Minardi 1m18.313s

18. MONTEIRO Jordan 1m18.599s

19. KARTHIKEYAN Jordan no time

20. MONTOYA McLaren no time

Kimi bullish about victory chances

Kimi Raikkonen was in bullish mood after a successful opening day of practice for the German Grand Prix.

The Finn, who desperately needs to make up ground in the championship on points leader Fernando Alonso, was the fastest race driver and outpaced his title protagonist by almost a full second.

“The car was quick almost immediately, which is always a good sign, and we could spend some more time on our Michelin tyre programme,” said Raikkonen.

“The aim is to win the race and after today’s sessions I’m certain that we have a very strong package which will allow us to do that.”

McLaren test driver Alex Wurz was fastest overall in both sessions, giving the team further cause for optimism that it can deliver a victory at engine partner Mercedes’ home race.

Silverstone winner Juan Pablo Montoya was fourth quickest in the afternoon session and felt that the set-up of his MP4-20 was not yet au point.

“The car looks very competitive compared to the rest of the field, and the Michelin tyres are working well,” he noted.

“However, I’m struggling with the brake balance, which is so important here at Hockenheim.

“I’m sure that we will find a solution to the problem in time for tomorrow’s qualifying.”

Qualifying has not gone according to plan for Montoya this year, partly because he has rarely enjoyed a favourable slot in the running order.

But thanks to his British Grand Prix victory the Colombian will be the last man out in tomorrow’s session and, weather permitting, should benefit from the best track conditions.

MCLAREN mighty in Saturday first practice

McLaren carried over its Friday dominance into Saturday morning’s first practice session at Hockenheim, with Kimi Raikkonen narrowly shading Juan Pablo Montoya for a Woking 1-2.

The silver cars have been in a class of their own so far in Germany, and outpaced their closest competition by three-quarters of a second in the first of the two 45-minute sessions that lead up to qualifying.

Bucking the trend established earlier this season, it was the Renaults that went out first and steadily racked up the mileage while the McLaren drivers held a watching brief from behind the pit wall.

World championship leader Fernando Alonso set the ball rolling with a 1m16.702s lap 13 minutes into the session, but that mark was obliterated when Raikkonen took to the track after 25 minutes.

The Finn’s second flying lap yielded a 1m15.992s, and next time around he improved to a 1m15.823s.

Montoya briefly eclipsed his team-mate with an impressive 1m15.753s on his first hot lap, but Kimi had the last word in the final couple of minutes and pipped JPM by 0.069s.

Alonso could manage only a 1m16.477s, but Renault appeared to be concentrating on longer runs while McLaren kept mileage to a minimum – witness Montoya’s total of five laps compared to 14 apiece for Alonso and Fisichella.

The last five minutes of the session saw a handful of big improvements, with Christian Klien vaulting to fourth place for Red Bull Racing ahead of Sauber’s Felipe Massa, who was similarly rapid yesterday.

David Coulthard put a disjointed Friday behind him with the sixth quickest time, underlining Red Bull’s improved form compared to recent outings, while Mark Webber finally gave Williams some faint cause for optimism with the seventh best time.

Jarno Trulli (Toyota), Fisichella and Takuma Sato (BAR) rounded out the top ten, with Ferrari duo Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher languishing in 14th and 15th respectively.

Alonso, Barrichello and Jordan’s Narain Karthikeyan all had off-course excursions but there were no major incidents.

Saturday first practice times from Hockenheim
1. RAIKKONEN McLaren 1m15.684s
2. MONTOYA McLaren 1m15.753s
3. ALONSO Renault 1m16.477s
4. KLIEN Red Bull 1m16.698s
5. MASSA Sauber 1m16.799s
6. COULTHARD Red Bull 1m16.926s
7. WEBBER Williams 1m16.961s
8. TRULLI Toyota 1m17.053s
9. FISICHELLA Renault 1m17.061s
10. SATO BAR 1m17.331s
11. BUTTON BAR 1m17.397s
12. VILLENEUVE Sauber 1m17.408s
13. HEIDFELD Williams 1m17.536s
14. BARRICHELLO Ferrari 1m17.599s
15. M.SCHUMACHER Ferrari 1m17.617s
16. KARTHIKEYAN Jordan 1m18.102s
17. ALBERS Minardi 1m18.217s
18. R.SCHUMACHER Toyota 1m18.229s
19. DOORNBOS Minardi 1m19.083s
20. MONTEIRO Jordan 1m19.103s

Kewajipan sebagai suami

A. Suami Teladan ialah:
– Suami yang selalu mengerjakan perintah Allah dan menjauhkan laranganNya. Selalu menjaga hubungan dengan isterinya serta melaksanakan tanggungjawab sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Ia selalu berterus terang dengan isterinya. Jika ia mempunyai kekurangan, ia akan menyatakan kepada isterinya.

– Suami yang baik, tidak menyembunyikan rahsia yang tidak disenangi isterinya. Apabila berkata-kata dengan isterinya dengan cara lembut dan bersopan santun.

– Suami yang soleh, selalu membimbing isterinya, menghiburkan isterinya, berbincang-bincang, menghargai pandangan isterinya dan sebagainya.

– Suami yang menganggap isterinya sebagai kekasih dan sahabat. Tidak mudah cemburu. Mempunyai keyakinan dan menaruh kepercayaan terhadap isterinya.

– Suami yang bijaksana, suami yang sanggup menjadi pemimpin rumahtangga. Suami yang layak menjadi pemimpin sekurang-kurangnya mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut iaitu:

1. Tubuh badan yang sempurna – sanggup melaksanakan tanggupjawabnya dengan kesempurnaan anggotanya. Ini bermaksud selagi mampu memenuhi keperluan zahir dan batin.

2. Akal fikiran yang sempurna – berfikiran positif.

3. Pengetahuan agama yang sempurna – untuk membimbing ahli keluarganya mengamalkan ajaran agama sebagai panduan hidup.

4. Membelanjakan sebahagian harta – mencari nafkah untuk menyara
hidup ahli keluarganya

B. Keperibadian Suami yang menjadi Impian isteri
1. Penuh kerinduan dan kasih sayang
2. Mencintai
3. Gagah dan berakhlak mulia
4. Kaya dan bijaksana
5. Memberikan cahaya kehidupan
6. Menegakkan kebenaran
7. Mulia di sisi Allah

C. Ciri-ciri Suami Teladan
– suami yang soleh yang sentiasa menjalankan perintah Allah
– suami yang tidak sanggup melihat isterinya meringankan perintah
– suami yang bersikap mahu memaafkan dan membetulkan kesalahan

1. Ciri-ciri suami yang soleh ialah:
a. Mentaati Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya dengan mengerjakan segala perintah dan menjauhi segala larangan.
b. Mendirikan rumahtangga semata-mata kerana Allah SWT
c. Melayani dan menasihati isteri dengan sebaik-baiknya
d. Menjaga hati dan perasaan isteri
e. Sentiasa bertolak ansur dan tidak meminta sesuatu yang di luar kemampuan isteri
f. Bersabar dan menghindari daripada memukul isteri dengan pukulan yang memudaratkan
g. Jangan mengeji isteri di hadapan orang lain ataupun memuji wanita lain di hadapan isteri.
h. Bersabar dan menerima kelemahan isteri dengan hati yang terbuka
i. Mengelakkan daripada terlalu mengikut kemahuan isteri kerana ia akan menjejaskan imej dan prestasi suami sebagai pemimpin
j. Memberi nafkah kepada keluarga mengikut kemampuan
k. Menyediakan keperluan dan tempat tinggal yang selesa
l. Bertanggungjawab mendidik akhlak keluarganya
m. Sentiasa mengambil berat tentang keselamatan mereka
n. Memberikan kasih sayang dan berkorban untuk kepentingan dan kebahagiaan bersama.

2. Syarat mendirikan rumahtangga Islam agar mendapat keredhaan Allah SWT iaitu:
a. Ahlinya berpendidikan Islam, berjiwa teguh, tenang dan damai.
b. Suasana rumahtangga sentiasa riang dan penuh kegembiraan.
c. Rumahtangga sentiasa bersih dan selesa
d. Rumahtangga yang sentiasa memelihara dan menjauhi daripada perkara-perkara haram dan syubhat
e. Ahli-ahlinya bersolat secara berjemaah
f. Bersih hati, pancaindera dan anggota badan serta menjauhi sifat-sifat yang berlebih-lebihan ketika bersolek
g. Memuliakan dan menghormati agama serta memandang tinggi akan nilai-nilai keperibadian muslim
h. Anggota keluarga memiliki kesefahaman dan bijaksana dalam mentadbir rumahtangga
i. Memilih calon suami/isteri berasaskan Islam
j. Rumahtangga hendaklah sentiasa ke arah kebaikan dan kebajikan
k. Dakwah Islamiah sentiasa terlaksana dalam rumahtangga.

D. Suami yang penuh sentuhan kasih

Ada 10 nasihat untuk suami dalam memahami hubungannya dengan isteri :

1. Bersikap tegas dan lemah lembut terhadap isteri

Betapapun seorang wanita itu mempunyai kemampuan dan kemahuan yang tinggi,memiliki kemahiran serta percaya terhadap diri sendiri namun pada hakikatnya, ia masih ingin mencari perlindungan dengan seorang lelaki. Jika keinginan mencari perlindungan itu datangnya dari
wanita, namun selalulanya ia merahsiakannya. Seandainya hajatnya tercapai, ia mengharapkan layanan yang lemah lembut dan amat mengharapkan perlindungan dari lelaki yang bertanggungjawab.

Sifat lemah lembut dan tegas ini harus dimiliki oleh lelaki kerana setiap isteri mengharapkan suaminya mampu menjadi pemimpin dalam rumahtangga yang dibina. Menjadi pemimpin bukan bermaksud menjadi “boss”. Sifat tegas dan lemah lembut ini biarlah kena pada tempatnya.

2. Memberi pujian terhadap isteri

Peranan wanita sebagai ibu menyebabkan ia perlukan perlindungan daripada keyakinan. Hanya suami yang bijaksana dapat memberikan keyakinan kepada isterinya. Dengan cara memberikan penghargaan seperti pujian, hadiah ataupun ungkapan yang boleh menambahkan keyakinan dalam diri isteri.

Jangan merasa hairan jika seorang wanita selalu bertanya kepada pasangannya, “Adakah engkau cinta padaku? ” Pertanyaan ini bukan bermakna ia tidak percaya kepada pasangannya tetapi ia menginginkan keyakinan untuk dirinya. Oleh itu, suami usah jemu dengan ungkapan itu, malah berusahalah untuk mengerti hakikat seorang wanita.

3. Menentukan batas tanggungjawab

Islam telah mengatur tanggungjawab terhadap suami dan isteri. Suami berkewajipan mencari nafkah yang halal untuk kelurganya dan isteri pula berkewajipan melayan suami serta mengasuh anak-anak. Ini bukan bermakna tanggungjawab lain patut diabaikan, malah semua tanggungjawab lain seharusnya dipikul bersama mengikut keadaan masa dan tempat.

4. Menghindari kritikan terhadap isteri

Kritikan bukan satu-satunya cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Ia boleh dilakukan, namun biarlah dengan lembut dan bertempat. Jangan sesudah bernikah, suami merasa berhak berkasar, mengkritik dan menghina isteri sewenang-wenangnya kerana banyak kesannya pada isteri.

Suami yang terlalu banyak mengkritik isteri akan meninggalkan kesan negatif terhadap isterinya iaitu:

a. Perasaan isteri menjadi tertekan akibat menahan marah
b. Menimbulkan pelbagai jenis penyakit fizikal akibat daripada perasaan kecewa dan tekanan batin.
c. Isteri menjadi pemarah, pendiam, kadangkala hilang keinginan untuk bersama.
d. Akibat selalu dikritik serta tidak dihargai, isteri akan kehilangan identiti dirinya sendiri
e. Untuk menyenangkan hati, isteri akan menyalahkan anak-anak.
f. Jika perasaannya terlalu tertekan, mungkin ia inginkan perceraian.

5. Memperhatikan sesuatu yang romantik

Suami seringkali kurang memperhatikan keperluan yang tidak begitu penting seperti ulangtahun isteri, perkahwinan dan sebagainya. Namun bagi wanita,hal sebegitu penting. Cinta bukan hanya berkaitan dengan perasaan tetapi juga berkaitan dengan aktiviti romantik yang mempunyai nilai yang bererti dalam diri wanita. Mungkin sesuatu yang tidak bererti pada lelaki namun ianya amat bernilai pada wanita. Oleh itu suami harus banyak mempelajari keperluan isteri dan tidak menganggap remeh terhadap kepentingan isteri.

6. Memahami isteri yang ingin selalu di samping suami

Setiap isteri selalu menginginkan serta merindukan untuk selalu bersama suaminya. Isteri selalu mengharapkan perhatian yang cukup dari suaminya. Kerana itu, suami yang baik akan berusaha meluangkan masa untuk bersama isterinya. Selalu bersama boleh meningkatkan kasih sayang.

7. Menjaga perasaan aman dalam kehidupan isteri

Suami yang bertanggungjawab akan selalu memberikan rasa aman dan tenteram terhadap perasaan isterinya, selalu berusaha menyelesaikan setiap masalah rumahtangga dengan secepat mungkin. Berusaha membantu menyelesaikan masalah isteri.

8. Memahami gelora jiwa isteri

Wanita lebih mudah mengalami perubahan emosi jika dibandingkan dengan lelaki. Jika suami dapat menerima hakikat perubahan emosi isterinya, maka isterinya pasti dapat menerima suaminya sebagai org yang dapat membimbing hidupnya.

9. Membina kerjasama yang baik

Suami yang boleh diajak berbincang dan selalu bekerjasama dengan isterinya akan mampu mengujudkan keluarga bahagia.

10. Memenuhi keperluan peribadi

Tidak ada dua wanita di dunia ini yang sama, kerana masing-masing memiliki peribadi yang khusus. Wanita mempunyai sifat yang unik baik dari segi emosi maupun keinginan. Suami yang bijaksana akan mudah memahami akan keperluan peribadi isterinya dan mampu melaksanakan
tanggungjawabnya sesuai dengan kemampuan dirinya.

E. Kewajipan Suami Dalam Rumahtangga

1. Memenuhi mas kahwin isteri secara sempurna
2. Memberi nafkah kepada isteri
3. Menggaulinya dengan baik

a. Memberi nafkah sesuai dengan kemampuan
b. Sentiasa berbincang dengan isteri dalam segala hal
c. Mengajak isteri bergurau senda, berlaku lemah lembut kepadanya, menghiburkan isteri supaya hatinya sentiasa gembira.
d. Memaafkan kesalahan isterinya apalagi terhadap isteri yang berbudi pekerti mulia.
e. Di hadapan isteri hendaklah menunjukkan keindahan dan kebaikan kerana isterinya juga menyenangi apa yg disenangi oleh suaminya.
f. Membantu isteri dalam urusan rumahtangga terutama apabila isteri sakit atau sibuk dengan pekerjaannya.
g. Tidak membuka rahsia isteri serta memperkatakannya di hadapan umum.
h. Melindungi isteri dari api neraka.

4. Cemburu hanya kerana agama dan kehormatan

Cemburu ini bermaksud, menjaga isteri dari segala sesuatu yang berbentuk pandangan, perkataan atau perasaan.

Secara umum lelaki bersifat :
– berani dan gagah perkasa
– ingin menolong yang lemah
– ingin berkuasa
– kasar dan tamak

manakala wanita bersifat :
– lemah lembut
– pemalu
– mempunyai perasaan yang halus
– bersopan santun
– penyabar.

Sifat-sifat ini adalah bersesuaian dengan kewajipan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing.

5. Membimbing isteri

Di samping memiliki sifat-sifat yang baik, wanita juga mempunyai sifat buruk yang kadangkala merupakan sifat asal ataupun dari pengaruh luaran.

a. Mudah lupa dalam mengingati Allah

Kesibukan dengan harta kekayaan dan anak-anak kadang-kala membuat wanita lengah akan perintah Allah. Kelalaian ini akan memberi peluang kepada hawa nafsu menguasainya.

b. Mudah terpengaruh oleh tipu daya dunia

Kemilauan dunia sering membuat wanita terpedaya.

c. Sering bersikap bangga dan bermegah-megah kepada orang lain

Dengan memahami sifat isteri, suami boleh membimbing dan menasihati isteri.
Suami pula sepatutnya tahu bagaimana cara membetulkan isteri.
Tersilap cara akan mengakibatkan perselisihan. Perselisihan dalam
rumahtangga dapat dikurangkan sekiranya pasangan mengamalkan perangai
yang baik seperti :

1. Janganlah suami dan isteri marah pada masa yang sama.
2. Jangan mengeluarkan suara yang kuat antara satu sama lain
3. Jika ada seorang yang harus menang dalam perselisihan, maka biarkanlah ia menang.
4. Jika harus mengkritik pasangan, lakukanlah dengan sikap kasih sayang.
5. Jangan mengungkit kembali kesalahan-kesalahan lalu
6. Lebih baik tidak mempunyai masa untuk orang lain daripada tidak mempunyai masa terhadap pasangan.
7. Jangan tidur jika ada perselisihan belum diselesaikan
8. Berkata sesuatu yang manis atau pujian pada pasangan kita sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari. 9. Jika bersalah, akuilah kesalahan dan meminta maaf.
10. Jangan lupa bahawa perselisihan terjadi akibat dua orang dan biasanya org yang bersalah paling banyak berbicara.

6. Membimbing anak

Seorang suami yang adalah suami yang tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawabnya

a. Memberikan nama yang baik bagi anaknya
b. Memberi nafkah
c. Bertanggungjawab atas pendidikan anak dan sebagainya.

73.4 MP/H@118.908 KM/H CEN CT4-S Radio Remote Control R/C Nitro Gas Car RTR 2-Speed at my fingertips

CEN Racing has changed the Nitro Sedan racing world. CEN introduces the all newly designed CT4 S. This State-of-the-art Ready To Run sedan incorporates months of extensive testing from all parts of the world to bring you the fastest, most reliable car on the market. This high-performance Ready-To-Run nitro sedan is based on the race proven CT4 R race kit design. The CT4¡¦S on-track performance surpasses all other models in its class. This is the fastest Ready To Run Sedan available, reaching speeds up to 70 MPH out of the box. This is achieved by using our newly engineered huge 2.5 Big Block 3 ports ¡Lighting¡¨ engine in conjunction with an adjustable lightweight 2-speed transmission. .21 class engines will bolt directly into the CT4 S. (Optional parts required) Many tuning options have been built into the chassis design to allow the driver to adjust to any track conditions. Soon we will release a 3-speed conversion kit to increase speed over 80+ MPH.

Front and rear .080 race style anti-roll bar

CT4 S comes with standard adjustable lightweight 2-speed transmission. High efficient foam element air filter is also standard

An easy access car handle locates in the center of CT4 S. Car handle also direct air toward cooling head providing high efficient cooling

CT4 S comes with 75cc racing fuel tank with CEN¡¦s exclusive diaphragm pump and internal stone filter that eliminates air leaks while providing easiest priming. Kit also includes an adopter to eliminate primer and become 100% racing style

Adjustable race style oil filled shocks

Big Bore high flow manifold and Racing tuned pipe are standard on CT4 S

3mm Super solid, fully countersunk chassis

Low CG Front and Rear gear diff. With adjustable toe-in, camber, and down travel

Rear Spider Gear differentials filled with thick grease out of box. Front high impact foam bumper also included.

High impact foam bumper to reduce damage in hard collisions. Front shock towers with multiple shock mounting positions.

Adjustable rear toe-in to adjust to all track conditions. Thick rear sway bar to reduce chassis roll when using foam tires. Comes standard in every kit

Pivot ball supension with Dog bone drive shaft on all four corner. Wheel Hub fits right into wheel perfectly for best aerodynamic effects.

Adjustable Down Travel “Droop”

Super low Center of Gravity to reduce traction rolls. All major components have been mounted as low as possible, including the front and rear differentials. Comes standard with the copper colored manifold and 2-chambered tuned pipe

Low mounted receiver battery to keep the overall C.G. low as possible. All RTRs come with our 3-piece servo saver to protect the servo gears during a crash


  1. Super solid 3mm hard anodized aluminum chassis
  2. Hard anodized aluminum upper deck
  3. Race proven 3 belt 4WD system
  4. Adjustable light weight 2 speed transmission
  5. Adjustable race style oil filled shocks
  6. Front and rear spider gear differentials
  7. 28 precision ball bearing
  8. Cutting edge pivot ball suspension design
  9. Front and rear .080 race style anti-roll bar
  10. High Flow manifold with racing tuned pipe
  11. Ultra low CG design
  12. Racing style 75cc fuel tank w/ built in stone filter
  13. Extremely stiff light weight racing wheels
  14. Super soft”V” tread tires
  15. Adjustable down travel “droop”
  16. High impact foam bumper
  17. Fiber brake sidk for extremely aggressive braking


Four Wheel Drive (3 belt drive train)
Wheel Base: 260mm (10.24″)
Width: 196mm (7.72″)
Weight: 1900gm (67.8oz)
Gear Ratio: 6.825/4.875 (1st/2nd gear)
Ground Clearance: 8mm (0.31″)
Tires: 26mm (1.02″) x 65mm (2.56″)

Type: Double deck aluminum
Bottom Chassis: 3mm aluminum chassis
Upper Deck: 2mm aluminum plate

Drive Train
Type: 3 belts, 4-wheel drive
Transmission: Adjustable shift 2-speed
Differentials: Bevel spider gears
Clutch: Standard 2 shoe centrifugal clutch with spring
Exhaust Manifold: Aluminum round port with spring retainer
Pipe: CEN composite tuned racing pipe
Fuel Tank: 75cc tank with stone filter and primer
Final Drive Ratio: 4.36 / 3.2
Belt Tension: Front and side, ball bearing belt tension kits
Ball Bearings: Full bearing

Type: Pivot ball
DAmpeners: Lightweight composite oil filled shocks
Camber: Adjustable front and rear
Caster: AdjustableToe-in: Adjustable front and rear
Down Stops: Fully adjustable ront and rear
Anti-Roll Bars: Front and rear bars included

Special Features
Reliable Impact CII pistol grip radio
High efficient foam air filter
High impact foam bumper
Painted decaled racing bodies

Engine Description:
CEN Racing NX-15 Big Block “Lighting” engine!
Big Block 2.5
3 Ports
Dual precision crank bearings
SG shafts
True ABC construction
Rear exhaust
Slide Carb.